Tuesday, March 5, 2013

facts about organic food

facts about organic food
Organic foods are edible vegetables and fruits grown in the absence of unnatural fertilizers and customary pesticides. They are never contaminated with industrial and human wastes and are processed without the use of food additives and radiation.

Such foods are produced in methods that do not aggravate the fertility of soil, rather reduce water and land pollution. Authorized government officials inspect organic farms carefully. Agricultural lots must be checked if no bioengineering or ionizing process and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are used in the last three years.

For livestock to be labeled Organic, they must be nurtured in the absence of antibiotics and growth hormones. Only organic or natural feeds should be rationed. Poultry like eggs and dairy products must come from organic livestock.

How to Identify
The Organic Certification Program created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture serves the standards in labeling the products. Criteria include the methods of growing, handling and processing of food produce. Once the product passed the US standards, it bears the USDA Organic label. The following are considered:

100% Organic - these are fruits, vegetables, eggs and meat completely labeled organic. They bear a small sticker of USDA organic seal that has the sign 100%
95% Organic - 95% of the product is organic. A small seal is also attached to the product.
70% Organic - the organic ingredients must be visible on the front package.
Less than 70% Organic - the organic ingredients are displayed on the side of the package, but the product cannot use the word organic.

For some, opting for organic may strain their pockets because compared to conventional, organic food is costly. When it comes to taste, some assert that there is no difference between two groups, while others claim that organic tastes more natural. However, our environment also benefits from not using pesticides and radiation processes. Several scientists study the effects of conventional fertilizers and pesticides and the results are not very conclusive.

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